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"The Lunge" dribbling move

"The Lunge" is one of the most simple and effective dribbling moves. It is sometimes also called the "Body Feint", or some simply refer to it as "drop the shoulder".

Many regard Lionel Messi as the best soccer player in the world, and he has heavily relied on this simple move to help him accomplish this.

Below is an instructional video on this move. It is truly simple, and extremely effective.

The move is performed by:
  • Slowing the dribble of the ball as you approach an opponent.
  • 3-4 feet before reaching the opponent you perform the move by:
    • Stepping forward alongside the ball with your right foot (there should be 1-2 feet of space between your right foot at the ball).
    • Perform a partial lunge with the right leg by:
      • Bending the knee nearly to a 90-degree angle and leaning the upper body forward to the right (this causes the opponent to think you are going to the right).
      • Then quickly before straightening your right leg, bring your left foot behind the ball toward your right foot and use the outside of the left foot to move the ball left (or forward to the left).
      • Quickly push off with your right leg to run to the left and continue your attack on the left side of your opponent (and hopefully getting past them quickly).
This move creates space for the player to get past a defender.

It tricks the defender to go the wrong way and takes extra time for them to respond. By the time they recover, you will hopefully already be past them on the left side and toward the goal or quickly attacking in more open space toward their goal.

Here's the video that gives simple instructions:

(don't forget to click the full screen button)

Important tips to learning it effectively (and not getting frustrated):
Every player should start off performing the move in slow motion, breaking it down in its basic steps. This should be done without defensive pressure. Using a cone, shoe or other object to represent an imaginary defender is perfect.

As soon as a player is able to perform it correctly slowly, they should gradually increase the speed.

Then add a person as passive defender who simply stands where the cone was, and falls for the move (letting you pass).

Once this is going well, the opponent should provide some pressure, but still not make it too hard.

Finally as execution of the move is very good, the opponent should put on full pressure to try to win the ball.

(of course you can switch feet on this and lunge with the left leg and push the ball out forward to the right with the outside of the right foot. Initially just practice it to whichever side is easier. After you are comfortable doing the lunge to one side, practice it on the other side)

Here is another video some simple activities that can really help a player improve their ability to execute the lunge:

Lastly, to see this move at full speed, used by the best soccer player in the world, watch this video:

(Warning: Messi has many slight variations, so it doesn't always look exactly like the examples in the above instructional videos)

(Remember to click the full screen button)

Practice, enjoy and master this simple move to get past defenders all the time, just like Messi!